
Tip on discipline and starting your work

Tip on discipline and starting your work. Link: Click here Stop trying to plan out every move, thought and action before you even move. Think about what you have to do, and before you expend anymore thinking into it, start doing it, do it for 5 minutes . If you want to stop doing whatever it's that you convinced yourself to start after 5 minutes, then stop. No mind games, no nothing, its your life. One of our big fallacies is that we can be perfectly content thinking our actions through to the end, but once we've done that, we mentally feel as-if we already completed it , thus lacking a motivation to actually start it. A really great read is this thread that popped up about being stuck in Ti:

Why you shouldn't share your goals

One big reason Why you shouldn't share your goals I have found this really good article on why you shouldn't share your goals from  "But, as important as it may be, sharing goals can go just as far in helping you reaching them. In other words, there is a limit over which you shouldn’t trespass. I don’t know if you’re going to find this in any goal setting book, but I know for sure it comes from a real life experience. My real life experience. And it’s about obfuscating your goals. Hiding them. Keeping them close to your heart, but far from the curious eyes. Sometimes, in certain circumstances, the best way to go is to hide what you really want from anyone else, except you. And here’s why: They Don’t Know Shit About You Yeap, that’s the reason. Because, the moment you take out your goal, the moment you’re sharing it with the whole world, you create a loop. People will start to hold you accountable, (and, most of the time, that’s a good thing, as w